Monday, January 24, 2011

Jago Grahak Jago

With reference to your advertisements on TV and Newspapers regarding information of the consumer forum for the “Jago Grahak Jago “
Also you have furnished the detail procedure, how to file the complaint and where to file the complaint.

It is seems to be very easy to file a complaint. As per your rules that complaint can be file just on plain paper without appointing any lawyer with the normal fee and the complaint to be file in the jurisdiction of the opponent party. Already jurisdiction is mentioned on the bills so complainant is bound to that jurisdiction.

Considering the rules and regulation of the forum it is seems that the forum is made for the beneficiary of the culprits and not for the sake of consumers due to complain to be file in the jurisdiction of the opponent party, his place of work or residence.

The consumer is already cheated by the culprits and when he wants to knock the door of justice you are sending him in the den of culprit.

If a consumer residing in State of Maharashtra has been cheated, looted by the opponent party residing and working place in Gujarat etc. As per the rules of jurisdiction, consumer has to file the complaint in Gujarat etc.

As the consumer already cheated, harassed and suffered a huge losses of property, wealth and health by the culprits and now the forum’s rules harassing him as he have to travel to Gujarat to file a complaint taking his/her hardship and loss of precious time and have to suffered much more again that………

1) He/Her has to travel of 400-500 km distance and bear the pain of transport.

2) He/Her has to face regional language problems as mostly each State preferred
regional language.

3) He/Her has to stay in hotel and suffered a health and wealth by using hotel food.

4) He/Her have to suffered loses his business and family matters at his own place.

5) As the opponent party is a culprit and may be a criminal minded and he can gain the full
support of his own people and language at his own place. Can a consumer will be safe there?

6) Many times consumer has to travel Gujarat for hearing purpose and if notice is not
served to the opponent party, can consumer dare to serve the same?

7) Can the recovery will be easy and safe, for the consumer, from the jurisdiction of the
opponent party?

8) Any north Indian can dare to file a complaint in Mumbai considering current situations.

9) If a consumer assign a lawyer who should be the place of opponent. Can consumer assure the justice? from the person of an origin of culprits.

By considering the above facts any gentleman can dare to file a complaint at the jurisdiction of opponent party?. This is not a punishment to the consumer rather than culprits? Who is relaxed, safe and enjoying the sweets of crime where as a consumer is suffering financially, mentally, physically and healthy loses and hardship too.

If you are really honest, sincere and keen interest for the beneficiary of the consumers, I solemnly recommended that the jurisdiction must be the residence place of the complainant, and not the opponent party so the culprits will not dare to do the crime and the burden of the forum will be reduced.

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